

Psalm 34:17
The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.

Goodnight everyone!
I am not sure how to use this site but if anyone reads this Pray for me my name is Richard I am not physically sick but after being away from the Lord for so long and being the worst of sinners, I can't find the closeness i had with Jesus seems like i threw it all away, although i speak to others about Jesus the words flow out of me at times and it seems like i am connecting with others and making them think about forgiveness and getting right with God. But when i am alone he seems far from me.
I am not sure how to use this site but if anyone reads this Pray for me my name is Richard I am not physically sick but after being away from the Lord for so long and being the worst of sinners, I can't find the closeness i had with Jesus seems like i threw it all away, although i speak to others about Jesus the words flow out of me at times and it seems like i am connecting with others and making them think about forgiveness and getting right with God. But when i am alone he seems far from me.
Hello Rich, thank you so much for what you just shared, truly. You know, I can understand and relate. You know He wants us to have quiet times alone, just one on One, but He created us to be used in fellowship with one another, in helping one another. He asks us to pray for each other and to love our neighbors as ourselves. How can we do His calling in isolation?


I think it normal, to derive pleasure and fulfillment sharing God's love and mercy, He created us for such purposes. Yes, however, I will lift you in prayer. I get it. He is teaching me also to find balance, to make time for our alone time, to learn to be quiet and still with Him, to sit humbly at His feet. Maybe we can pray for one another, ok?

He wants us to draw near always, alone or in the midst of others. I think the time alone with the empty or restlessness felt is maybe Him wooing us in the desert, teaching us how to draw near in those uncomfy, all alone, times.
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I am not sure how to use this site but if anyone reads this Pray for me my name is Richard I am not physically sick but after being away from the Lord for so long and being the worst of sinners, I can't find the closeness i had with Jesus seems like i threw it all away, although i speak to others about Jesus the words flow out of me at times and it seems like i am connecting with others and making them think about forgiveness and getting right with God. But when i am alone he seems far from me.
Are you learning to navigate through this site, yet? Do not hesitate to ask. Jump right in. There are many here who would appreciate helping you figure it out.
I have no idea, but i feel better knowing that people read and prayed for me this is a fantastic site, we moved to a new town in Mississippi and haven't found a local church yet, so we usually watch Pastor Charles Lawson from Knoxville and TSC with Pastor Carter Colon they are both fantastic. My wife and I study the bible daily and want to find a home church that really preaches the word, straight from the bible. I do have a lot of questions i would like to ask and talk about where do or how do i find subjects or live conversation here? i would like to connect with others.
Hey my some of family lives in Pelahatchie Mississippi. Glad to know you and your wife study together, that is encouraging and inspiring. If you want real time chat, go to the home page here...1st thing you see as you scroll down is the app needed to download so you can chat.

I am so thankful that you are enjoying your time here. You can also start threads in the Bible Study forum. Of course, whereever you seek counsel, please always pray about it and go back to the word to make sure the answers you get line up with the word.

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