

Coffee and some morning sun with this pretty baby... blessed ❤️
Haha quite the opposite, people actually think she’s still a kitten 😊
Well the way you have the photos side by side :p

Yeah small cats can look like kittens, not too common to see them really. The russian blue we had was rather small like that too.

Most of them are medium sized cats with the occasional "large cat" that are nearly 20 pounds lol. I don't mean just the super fat ones, but the ones that are somehow just large ha. They are kind of intimidating when they are mad.
Well the way you have the photos side by side :p

Yeah small cats can look like kittens, not too common to see them really. The russian blue we had was rather small like that too.

Most of them are medium sized cats with the occasional "large cat" that are nearly 20 pounds lol. I don't mean just the super fat ones, but the ones that are somehow just large ha. They are kind of intimidating when they are mad.
Russian blues are stunning!
Millie isn’t even 6 pounds haha
But don’t be mistaken, when she tears around the place growling, although still cute, she can be scary 😂

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My world ❤️
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