

I think we will survive. And if we don't survive, we have a good place to go afterwards. It is not possible to escape the things God has predetermined, and we're only given control of ourselves...
I think we will survive. And if we don't survive, we have a good place to go afterwards. It is not possible to escape the things God has predetermined, and we're only given control of ourselves...
Yes but even God can be reasoned with just as many prophets did. Moses reminded God of His promises and God's judgment was held off.
Yes but even God can be reasoned with just as many prophets did. Moses reminded God of His promises and God's judgment was held off.
Prayer is always good. I just see people getting so wrapped up in this mess. I posted a little with our friends discussing masks and kind of realized afterwards it's futile I shouldn't even be discussing it. Conversations have turned so ugly. I find myself in the middle as my friends fight on both sides.
Prayer is always good. I just see people getting so wrapped up in this mess. I posted a little with our friends discussing masks and kind of realized afterwards it's futile I shouldn't even be discussing it. Conversations have turned so ugly. I find myself in the middle as my friends fight on both sides.
Agree, some people are not worth the time to discuss topics in a intellectual manner. Especially if they can not handle an opposing view.

People have turned ugly because people are scared, they are depressed, anxious and some see their country at stake, their children's future at stake.

I'm not in the middle and hold strong beliefs but I look for common ground when it can be found.
Agree, some people are not worth the time to discuss topics in a intellectual manner. Especially if they can not handle an opposing view.

People have turned ugly because people are scared, they are depressed, anxious and some see their country at stake, their children's future at stake.

I'm not in the middle and hold strong beliefs but I look for common ground when it can be found.
I have my own opinions as well, I just don't want to air out all of them that's just my thing. I say I am in the middle, not necessarily because my opinion is in the middle (probably a lot of my opinions would disagree with everyone so everyone would hate me, lol)... but because to me it doesn't take precedence over how I see or treat brothers and sisters... I assume from your answer that you see this in a similar way. And you are spot on about the bolded text, goes for both sides, absolutely.
I have my own opinions as well, I just don't want to air out all of them that's just my thing. I say I am in the middle, not necessarily because my opinion is in the middle (probably a lot of my opinions would disagree with everyone so everyone would hate me, lol)... but because to me it doesn't take precedence over how I see or treat brothers and sisters... I assume from your answer that you see this in a similar way. And you are spot on about the bolded text, goes for both sides, absolutely.
I try to treat everyone the same. It doesn't mean I will not share my beliefs but I am okay to agree to disagree.

Unfortunately too many would rather use the law or law enforcement to force people to agree.
I try to treat everyone the same. It doesn't mean I will not share my beliefs but I am okay to agree to disagree.

Unfortunately too many would rather use the law or law enforcement to force people to agree.
I agree about that. I have very personal reasons to be worried about this whole situation, because forced vaccination is considered for airline travelers. My family is in Europe, and I don't want to be forced to inject vaccines into me that were not sufficiently tested just to be able to visit my family. I received all the regular ones in childhood anyway. But now I'm potentially going to be forced to take every vaccine the Big pharma pumps up whenever wind blows, just to be able to travel? If a precedent is set we know where it's going to go. So I am quite concerned. But I make effort to drop these worries and hope in God that things will be all right. Keep the joy my friend.
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I agree about that. I have very personal reasons to be worried about this whole situation, because forced vaccination is considered for airline travelers. My family is in Europe, and I don't want to be forced to inject vaccines into me that were not sufficiently tested just to be able to visit my family. I received all the regular ones in childhood anyway. But now I'm potentially going to be forced to take every vaccine the Big pharma pumps up whenever wind blows, just to be able to travel? If a precedent is set we know where it's going to go. So I am quite concerned. But I make effort to drop these worries and hope in God that things will be all right. Keep the joy my friend.
Amen. Much worry in this day and age. But holding our security and peace in God will hold us together. In these times I just try to turn them over to God.
I think we will survive. And if we don't survive, we have a good place to go afterwards. It is not possible to escape the things God has predetermined, and we're only given control of ourselves...
I would like to share what Jesus instructed us to do in these days.

Watch ye therefore, and Pray Always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass, and to Stand before the Son of Man. see Luke 21:36 and of course for context the whole chapter of 21. :)

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