

Two of my favorite pastimes:) Does anyone else love sewing and piano?
We used to have a Swiss made machine called an Elna. It worked well and of loved it. We have an old Kenmore that works well, and the one in the pic is a Husqvarna Viking. It's pretty nice, I got it for about 20 dollars at goodwill.
Oh yeah that's a gift!
If Husqvarna makes sewing machines like their chain saws, you have a very fine machine. That's my favorite chain saw by far.
Anything Swiss is top of the line. The swiss take pride in quality.

Vintage Kenmores......hmmm
I have two different models. I think they are from the 70s. A Kenmore repair man explained to me how to service them myself. He said that they were made by a Japanese company that competed with Sears after the second WW. They were top quality, better than many of the modern commercial grade machines.
He said that you can use those vintage Kenmores 8 hours/ day for the rest of your life and not wear them out. Other than motor bushings or a belt there's not much that breaks.
Oh yeah that's a gift!
If Husqvarna makes sewing machines like their chain saws, you have a very fine machine. That's my favorite chain saw by far.
Anything Swiss is top of the line. The swiss take pride in quality.

Vintage Kenmores......hmmm
I have two different models. I think they are from the 70s. A Kenmore repair man explained to me how to service them myself. He said that they were made by a Japanese company that competed with Sears after the second WW. They were top quality, better than many of the modern commercial grade machines.
He said that you can use those vintage Kenmores 8 hours/ day for the rest of your life and not wear them out. Other than motor bushings or a belt there's not much that breaks.
Yeah I believe it! Our Kenmore is so tough.

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Sonimtech XP5800
Focal length
2.8 mm
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101 KB
Date taken
Sun, 21 May 2023 5:55 PM
960px x 1280px

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