

Two of my favorite pastimes:) Does anyone else love sewing and piano?
disclaimer, im not an accomplished pianist by any means. But I've been playing by ear for about 9 years. I took lessons for about 5 months in my early 20s, but am really slow at reading notes. I mostly play by ear and sing my favorite songs along with it.
That's awesome.
At a church I used to attend the pianist played by ear and did very well. Nobody could tell the difference.
I think the main thing is that you enjoy playing. That'll keep you going for now on.
If I had room, I would love to have a sewing machine!
Alas, I never learned how to play the piano... but I love
listening to piano music. Have you heard George Winston?

That's a beautiful CD.
I'm not familiar with the artist, but you know a lot more than me. I don't normally listen to music in the evening, but this calm music will be perfect before sleep.
disclaimer, im not an accomplished pianist by any means. But I've been playing by ear for about 9 years. I took lessons for about 5 months in my early 20s, but am really slow at reading notes. I mostly play by ear and sing my favorite songs along with it.
I'm not an accomplished sewer either.
I don't do patterns yet, but do use measurements and play by ear. When I hear certain sounds, it tells me to stop and check for birds nests.
I'm not an accomplished sewer either.
I don't do patterns yet, but do use measurements and play by ear. When I hear certain sounds, it tells me to stop and check for birds nests.
I don't use patterns all the time. Sometimes I'll just lay a piece of clothing on top of the material and kinda copy it. Or I'll just play it by ear too lol. Many times for myself I'll use a basic pattern and then alter it for a new style im designing.

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Sonimtech XP5800
Focal length
2.8 mm
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Off, did not fire
File size
101 KB
Date taken
Sun, 21 May 2023 5:55 PM
960px x 1280px

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