

Thanks! Wanted to share this picture of Lisa and me in response to your cool picture.

It was a "Bike Time" event in Muskegon, Mi. A huge thunderstorm blasted us a few moments after this picture was taken. You can see the dark clouds forming in the background of this picture.
Thanks! Wanted to share this picture of Lisa and me in response to your cool picture.

It was a "Bike Time" event in Muskegon, Mi. A huge thunderstorm blasted us a few moments after this picture was taken. You can see the dark clouds forming in the background of this picture.
Looking like you guys are ready for Sturgis or something. :) Looks cool
Maybe one day. My rear end probably wouldn't survive the long ride out there :ROFL:!
Haha. That is what motels and rest stops are for. I don't ride motorcycles or drive, but I'm betting you guys enjoy motorcycle riding.
I do, but my wife is terrified of riding on a motorcycle even though I have 40+ years of experience and a stout 1300cc Honda road bike.

No way could I do that ride (without a lot of pain). My tail bone is on fire after 100 miles or so. Have not found a good seating solution. A lot of ibuprophen now :D

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