

me ,myself and I ...
You seem to be the one worried about my picture. Like can we leave this matter to rest. Do not look at my picture if that causes you trouble. Simple. God bless you
Your picture is bad fruit. It’s your disobedience to God that troubles me. I find a gold ring in a pig’s snout to be repulsive (Proverbs 11:22).

Perhaps this video will help you.

You are a beautiful person in every way, @Danielahoxha10. You are a wonderful soul in an ocean of peevish perverts. "Keep your hand upon throttle, and your eye upon the rail." (y)
@Danielahoxha10 ..To know you is to love you. Note that all those who have known you for a long while have extended a warm welcome-back to you. I can't wait to see you when all of God's children get home. :)

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