

Hands healing pretty fast. I am blessed it was not severe frostbite.
((((hugs)))) I hope your hand heals soon. :)
Thank you it has been a trial. It slows me down having sore hands. Makes you appreciate being able to get better and back to where I was,amen.
Praise the Lord!
Oh how fortunate to not had more damage.
Did this happen last winter?
No at work. I was put on a line to make sure the pizza did not jam after being flash frozen. The temp at freezing point is -320 f . They did not make sure I was equipped with proper gear.
I'm not trying to sell you anything.
This is just a thought. Your company "should be" more than happy to pay or their insurer pay for supplements that help with healing.
You'd need to ask of course. If it were me, I'd want a quality Skin/Nails/ Hair formula that contains at least MSM, Biotin, L- Lysine, and fish/ or krill oil (omega 3). They can also be purchased separately along with a good multiple vitamin for absorption. All can be taken with or right after a meal except Lysine is better absorbed on an empty stomach with water.
Any kind of coconut oil is readily absorbed into the skin topically. It doesn't leave a greasy residue if used a little at a time.
It can be soothing and you don't have to worry about the extra chemicals that are in creams.
I'm not trying to sell you anything.
This is just a thought. Your company "should be" more than happy to pay or their insurer pay for supplements that help with healing.
You'd need to ask of course. If it were me, I'd want a quality Skin/Nails/ Hair formula that contains at least MSM, Biotin, L- Lysine, and fish/ or krill oil (omega 3). They can also be purchased separately along with a good multiple vitamin for absorption. All can be taken with or right after a meal except Lysine is better absorbed on an empty stomach with water.
Any kind of coconut oil is readily absorbed into the skin topically. It doesn't leave a greasy residue if used a little at a time.
It can be soothing and you don't have to worry about the extra chemicals that are in creams.
Well I take vitamins such as biotin already. But did pick up Palmers coconut raw shea nourish body palm. It was a temp job. I will not be back. They did offer me a higher position when I said I cannot work at a place that does not make sure employees get the proper equipment and gear they need. My hands are much better now. But thank you for suggesting it. That was very considerate.
That's smart. Your choice of biotin and oils were likely more helpful than a Rx IMHO.
I'm a big safety advocate. I have little regard for companies who won't look out for employees safety. There's no excuse for not providing you special gloves, forceps or whatever was necessary.

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