Reactions received by Ahwatukee

  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Good one Dino! This is a good point, as it is demonstrating again that 'the sons of God' is referring to angelic hosts.
  • Moses_Young
    "As one of their own prophets has said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” I'd have to say that your comparison is...
  • reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Good one Dino! This is a good point, as it is demonstrating again that 'the sons of God' is referring to angelic hosts.
  • soberxp
    Well, you can always go to His word for the truth too, for that is what He gave it to us for. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would...
  • iamsoandso
    iamsoandso reacted Friendly to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Actually, those angels are bound in Tartarus until the great white throne judgment, which doesn't take place until after the millennial...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Friendly to Ahwatukee's post in the thread Rev 1921.
    I don't see why you would give me a red x on that, as what I explained makes sense. If you were in a gymnasium and you put a lamp in the...
  • reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Good one Dino! This is a good point, as it is demonstrating again that 'the sons of God' is referring to angelic hosts.
  • reacted Agree to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Actually, those angels are bound in Tartarus until the great white throne judgment, which doesn't take place until after the millennial...
  • reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Hello CS1, I see the 'sons of God' as a distinction from 'the daughters of men.' I also disagree in that, 'the sons of God'...
  • reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Well, the angels obviously had free will, because aside from angels taking human wives, you know very well that a third of them rebelled...
  • reacted Happy to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Yes, I can. And because the same title is used identifying the 'sons of God' as being angels. Likewise, Genesis 6:1-2 is making a...
  • oyster67
    Good day, soberxp! My was/is, that Jesus is warning the reader about those who would claim that the Messiah is out in the desert or in...
  • oyster67
    Well, you can always go to His word for the truth too, for that is what He gave it to us for. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would...
  • oyster67
    You are correct. People accuse me of stating my own interpretations, but nothing could be further from the truth. I'm concerned about...
  • reacted Winner to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Hi iamsoandso! From what I know, of the angels (plural) that took human wives, though Satan deceived Eve as a serpent and is referred...
  • iamsoandso
    iamsoandso reacted Winner to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Hi iamsoandso! From what I know, of the angels (plural) that took human wives, though Satan deceived Eve as a serpent and is referred...
  • iamsoandso
    iamsoandso reacted Friendly to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    You would be correct! A third of the angels rebelled against God, siding with Satan. But only those 200 were guilty of taking wives...
  • PennEd
    JaumeJ is correct in his definition of Gehenna. It is also used figuratively to represent the lake of fire. There are three words...
  • reacted Agree to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    You would be correct! A third of the angels rebelled against God, siding with Satan. But only those 200 were guilty of taking wives...
  • reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread The Books of Enoch..
    Well, Jude quoted Enoch for one. The preface in Ethiopic Enoch (in part) states the following...