Reactions received by Aidan1

  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Our doc who is in charge for the hospital staff, told that they not planing to make blood tests for to find out the antibodylevel...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    What has this to do with truth?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Still you spreading unproofed claimes. What gain you have?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Gospel of John is telling you that the vaccine is poison? You speaking from truth and supporting unproofed claimes? This fits not together.
  • AandW
    AandW reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Generell I would agree with you in case of the Nürnberg Code. Can you tell me plaese, how it should be possible to wait minimum 4,5...
  • Mission21
    Mission21 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Again, this has nothing to do with Fauci, or is he the leader of this world? I think you would not like to meet people with tbc or any...
  • Mission21
    Mission21 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    If this proofes would be proofes, then i would believe it. So why i should believe unproofed claimes. This has notiing to do with the...
  • reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    To be for the vaccine, has nothing to do with Fauci or any other person. It a question of common sense. So it is total absurd to say...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Generell I would agree with you in case of the Nürnberg Code. Can you tell me plaese, how it should be possible to wait minimum 4,5...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    To be for the vaccine, has nothing to do with Fauci or any other person. It a question of common sense. So it is total absurd to say...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Every coin has 2 sides. You listen only one side.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The italian Institut says that 65,8 % died because of high pressure. Question would say still be alive if they had not got the virus...
  • reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The italian Institut says that 65,8 % died because of high pressure. Question would say still be alive if they had not got the virus...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    To live in america was a dream since my childhood. It was maby a little to romantic. But still I like america, even if my expecting may...
  • D
    Duckybill reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Maby you should start an different thread with this theme?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This fits also those believers which are alredy died because of the virus?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Great, and what is with those ehich do not survive Covid?
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This fits also those believers which are alredy died because of the virus?
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I realy dont know where you live Nehemiah6, maby you live in a place where there is no Covid. It may be such places. Then be glad. About...
  • seed_time_harvest
    seed_time_harvest reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    So, it would be fine if this is possible. But those, who dont have naturally immunity this will present not help. I dont like vaccines...