Reactions given by Aidan1

  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    it’s written there that there will be a virus come out of China and all the gifts of the world will get together and dream up this...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to Angela53510's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Don't be stupid! We've been through this already in this thread. The vaccine is NOT the mark of the beast. It is not even in the right...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to Angela53510's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This shows NO understanding of the m-RNA vaccine. For one thing, it is very fragile, which is why it has to be kept at such a low...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to Angela53510's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The survival rate for people who have COVID is much more complex than opting forth one simple number. Age affects death. What country...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to Bethohio1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I have seen evidence in some older friends the vaccine is beneficial. Personally, I don't want the vaccine for myself and don't want to...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    And this is fine. It’s called choice Some are against this.
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Not the first time these very words have been said mark if the beast. A sign of total fear if you believe this
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    That’s great if you have this. Praise God Sadly, not everyone has that or the ability to get it and they must make a choice
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I am not bullying anyone my friend This is an open forum, If your allowed to post stuff, I am allowed to respond to it. PS. I had the...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    lol. Thanks but I do not need help You however, I am not so sure.
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    why you put the shoe on... is this a German expression poorly translated into English?
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to seed_time_harvest's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    If you Do get sick from covid In the future please be kind enough to post your thoughts on how you feel about getting or Not getting...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    NO, I degree with it because I do not see proof that what is said is true. If what Penn keeps posting day after day was true, I would...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I posted this earlier. Again, people only read what they want to read. For all the people who are saying this vaccine and any deaths...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I never said they did not I already acknowledged people will have bad reactions and even die That is to be expected with any vaccine...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This is one of the most anti Christian posts I have seen from you Your problem is there are many renowned medical professionals that...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Brother, I do not think you heard her correctly She is speaking of a select grouping of people who are vulnerable The stats you keep...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Since @ penned marked this post. I will just show him what I mean In Matt 5. Jesus said anyone who calls a brother a fool (in the...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    We are not saying this bro. We are just defending ourselves and trying to share with those who are attacking us that some people need...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    98% is national average it does not take into account age groups health issues and other possible issues which are unknown If your just...