Reactions received by Artios1

  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Sad to Artios1's post in the thread A love lost.
    Sorry for your loss... I have lost a few people that were close to me… a couple through suicide and some by other means. One person...
  • reacted Sad to Artios1's post in the thread A love lost.
    Sorry for your loss... I have lost a few people that were close to me… a couple through suicide and some by other means. One person...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Sad to Artios1's post in the thread A love lost.
    Sorry for your loss... I have lost a few people that were close to me… a couple through suicide and some by other means. One person...
  • reacted Sad to Artios1's post in the thread A love lost.
    Sorry for your loss... I have lost a few people that were close to me… a couple through suicide and some by other means. One person...