Reactions given by Bergqvist

  • B
    Bergqvist reacted Like to Deuteronomy's post in the thread Hello!.
    Hey Aleksander (@Bergqvist), and welcome to CChat :) Thank you for your wonderfully detailed introduction, especially for telling us...
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    Bergqvist reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread Hello!.
    That was a wonderful introduction and testimony! :)
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    Bergqvist reacted Like to Mel85's post in the thread Hello!.
    Hi Aleksander, welcome to CC, glad to have you here :) Thanks for sharing your testimony. I hope you find connections here with Christ...
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    Bergqvist reacted Like to TabinRivCA's post in the thread Hello!.
    Hi Aleksander and welcome to CC. I'm glad you are seeking the Truth and God will be faithful to guide you along. Wow you are a baker...
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    Bergqvist reacted Like to Didymous's post in the thread Hello!.
    Hello, and welcome, Aleksander! :cool:
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    Bergqvist reacted Like to Deade's post in the thread Hello!.
    Hello Aleksander, welcome to Christian Chat. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.
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    Bergqvist reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread Hello!.
    I enjoyed your testimony and glad to have you onboard with us. Welcome to CC.