Reactions received by Bingo

  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Reflections.
    "Hello, yep I am a new one.
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Reflections.
    "Hello, yep I am a new one.
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Reflections.
    "Hello, yep I am a new one.
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Reflections.
    "Thanks to all for the Welcome. 'Praise God'
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread ~I Saw The Light~.
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Reflections.
    "Thanks to all for the Welcome. 'Praise God'
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Reflections.
    "Thanks to all for the Welcome. 'Praise God'
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Just need some support!.
    "Wow, the foregoing intuitions are of value. Often elegance of words drowns out testimony of the heart. I can only share from this side...
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Prayer Request.
    "Lord, I pray of Your will 'to be'. Allow the 'light' of inspiration, and wisdom to touch the life that comes forth with hope of new...
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread ~A Friend~.
    "From this side of the 'glass', make no mistake, a spiritual experience is an extraordinary event that no explanation would suffice as...
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread ~A Friend~.
    "From this side of the 'glass', make no mistake, a spiritual experience is an extraordinary event that no explanation would suffice as...
  • AlwaysForHim
    AlwaysForHim reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Prayer Request.
    "Lord, I pray of Your will 'to be'. Allow the 'light' of inspiration, and wisdom to touch the life that comes forth with hope of new...
  • P
    "When something can't be explained simply, the subject may not be understood well enough.. this may occur when someone is out of their...
  • Jeauris
    "Heavenly Father, guide and direct our nation and our leaders in the right direction, protect us from evil motives, help us to be wise...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Blain's Testimony.
    "Amen...Testimony of the heart, you are a shining 'light', let it shine, for it is refreshing, I assure you! About six years on a prayer...
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread ~Prayer Message Today~.
    "Let us pray that we may be a good example of God's love. Let us pray to have patience with a calmness of love. Let us pray that our...
  • calibob
    calibob reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Drinking.
    "Amen"........ "Your profile pic., at first glance, a 'tingling' feeling came over me. Profound resemblance of a long time friend of...
  • calibob
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Hey I am a Newbie here.
    "Welcome!......... I have learned to fully realize...God's plan far exceeds my 'thinking'......:) 'Praise God'
  • reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread A New Member's First Impression.
    "Welcome"..........Newbie myself. Enjoy the fellowship, and I hope you are truly inspired of God's love with no end." :)