Chaps's latest activity

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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    Not trying to be contrary, but just to be clear.… are you suggesting that people can be saved without surrendering to God’s will?
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    Chaps replied to the thread God and Time.
    Thank you all for replying. I will just try to address a couple of the points I see have been made several times… The metatemporal...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Jesus Was Made Perfect?.
    This is an interesting topic. I have created a new thread entitled “God and Time” that should post soon. I would be happy to engage in...
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    Chaps posted the thread God and Time in Bible Discussion Forum.
    An interesting philosophical concept to consider is the notion of God’s relationship to time. Many Christian are quick to claim that...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    I find it interesting that one of the things that angered Jesus about the Pharisees is they refused to be baptized by John. If John’s...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Baptism.
    This is quite unfortunate. Baptism is about identifying oneself with Christ, repenting of sins and making Christ the Lord of our life...
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    Amen that’s much better stated than I’m able to articulate it but amen and well put
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    It just struck me deep . . . what if Jesus had disobeyed? He couldn't have become the Perfect High Priest. This proves to us that He is...
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    God What f course knows all but In the ot he had never experienced the position of a man being flesh and blood bound to death it’s odd...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Jesus Was Made Perfect?.
    I dont agree that time stands still for God. This view is referred to as atemporalism or eternalism. The view suggests that God is...
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    Chaps replied to the thread Jesus Was Made Perfect?.
    I agree with this. Jesus’ ”perfection” in this context is not referring merely to his sinlessness as if he were imperfect beforehand...
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    It's about Jesus priesthood his humanity how he became a man , faced sufferings and every temptation we do but he never sinned he...
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    Chaps reacted Like to notmyown's post in the thread Mark’s Gospel.
    Mark's gospel--- immediately that's the first word i think of. there's a real sense of urgency in the book.
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    Chaps reacted Like to p_rehbein's post in the thread Mark’s Gospel.
    Good summary. Enjoyed reading it.
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    One of my favorite Gospels is the Gospel of Mark. It is the earliest of all the Gospels and is very unique. What is unusual about this...