Recent content by Denny78

  1. Denny78

    I deliberately sinned today

    I'm only recently saved and I smoke. Yes, It isn't good for my health but I won't have people judge for doing it,
  2. Denny78

    Marriage problem

    Sounds like he's married to an adulterous pig. If she hasn't already played Bar Room Bingo it is only a matter of time before she does.
  3. Denny78

    Marriage problem

    NeedAdvice123 is in utter torment going by what he's posted. Divorce is a terrible thing but it will save him alot of heartache in the long run.
  4. Denny78

    Marriage problem

    Get Divorced.
  5. Denny78


    Thank you! :D
  6. Denny78

    Losing weight!

    Life CAN and DOES get in our way sometimes. It is easy to get distracted even when we stay close to our Church, Read Our Bibles and have Fellowship with Our Brethren and Sisters. Never forget Our Father, Son and Holy Spirit never leave our side. Amen!
  7. Denny78

    We as Christians can learn from other religions

    If they aren't SAVED they are also lost
  8. Denny78


    That is a blessing. Evangelical Christians aren't well liked by "Progressive Christians" generally :(
  9. Denny78

    Looking for friends

    Praise Him Everyday for that, Amen! You read your Bible everyday? You go to Church? Are your Parents Christians?
  10. Denny78

    Looking for friends

    6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all [d]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NSAB :D Are you SAVED?
  11. Denny78


    Thank you!!!!!
  12. Denny78


    Me being an Evangelical Christian isn't going to cause issue I hope.