Reactions received by dlj57

  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Disagree to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    The whole premise was that the Sabbath was for the Gentils as well as the Jews and you yourself just confirmed it.
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Disagree to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Where does it say in scripture that the Lord's Day is Sunday. The Lord's Day is only mentioned once in the Bible. "I was in the Spirt on...
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Disagree to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You keep saying we are not under the Law, show me scripture supporting your view. Question remains; Why are the Ten Commandments...