Reactions received by Edify

  • AandW
    AandW reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    G'day, folks. Just a little something to chew on while you're fighting over opinions...
  • AandW
    AandW reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I am suspicious that Covid flulike symptoms + flu flulike symptoms = Covid Pandemic, esp since the media never talked about flu cases at...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Covid 19 Reality.
    My Dad actually caught the flu every time he got the shot, & that's one of reasons I never take it. I found out that happens often.
  • SomeDisciple
    SomeDisciple reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Biblical Mary!.
    I don't hate them at all. Israelites who rebelled against God were judged the harshest because of their open rebellion from God & His...
  • reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Biblical Mary!.
    No. God has no beginning or end. No mother. Search the scriptures. There is no life in someone who refuses to face the truth. I don't...
  • DavidTree
    DavidTree reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Biblical Mary!.
    Just because we believe differently doesn't mean we don't share the same frustrations with phonies. I see them nearly every day, & they...
  • Aaron56
    Aaron56 reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Biblical Mary!.
    I agree. But today's church doesnt know that "catholic" means universal, or that true christians are part of that "universal" church...
  • reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Biblical Mary!.
    No. God has no beginning or end. No mother. Search the scriptures. There is no life in someone who refuses to face the truth. I don't...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Covid 19 Reality.
    Yet the coronovirus is bringing financial collapse to many countries. But it won't be seen in the news because the govts are raising...
  • DavidTree
    DavidTree reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread Biblical Mary!.
    I agree that phony signs & wonders are of the Devil. Satan has a phony system that tries to reflect everything God teaches & does thru...
  • P
    No, our Father isn't surprised at much of anything, even when we neglect our salvation. Hebrews 2:1Therefore we must pay much closer...
  • S
    saintrose reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread The vanishing male.
    I would say very few know that they are a part of the falling away. Most of them don't even believe in a falling away. Matthew...
  • Jocund
    Jocund reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY.
    I agree because the Bible says so: Eph 2:11Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by...
  • Pilgrimshope
    Aren't we all one in Christ Jesus(Galatians 3:28)? Aren't we all to be kings & priests(or a kingdom of priests) unto God(Revelation...
  • Aren't we all one in Christ Jesus(Galatians 3:28)? Aren't we all to be kings & priests(or a kingdom of priests) unto God(Revelation...
  • Yahshua
    Yahshua reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread The vanishing male.
    I would say very few know that they are a part of the falling away. Most of them don't even believe in a falling away. Matthew...
  • Gardenias
    Aren't we all one in Christ Jesus(Galatians 3:28)? Aren't we all to be kings & priests(or a kingdom of priests) unto God(Revelation...
  • Dino246
    Since God didn't mandate female prophets be working under men in the OT, I see no need to do so without scripture evidence in the NT...
  • R
    Runningman reacted Like to Edify's post in the thread The meaning of "mature".
    Esp. that last part. Some would rather fight than grow up.
  • Gardenias
    Even in the OT there were female prophets who ministered without teams or husbands right beside them. These OT prophets all basically...