Reactions received by John61

  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Friendly to John61's post in the thread I AM A NEWBIE.
    Hello everyone, I am a born-again Christian and a refugee seeking asylum here in the United States from Ukraine. God Bless us all.
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Friendly to John61's post in the thread I AM A NEWBIE.
    Hello everyone, I am a born-again Christian and a refugee seeking asylum here in the United States from Ukraine. God Bless us all.
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to John61's post in the thread I AM A NEWBIE.
    Hello everyone, I am a born-again Christian and a refugee seeking asylum here in the United States from Ukraine. God Bless us all.
  • ImLova
    ImLova reacted Friendly to John61's post in the thread I AM A NEWBIE.
    Hello everyone, I am a born-again Christian and a refugee seeking asylum here in the United States from Ukraine. God Bless us all.