Reactions received by JonathanBentley

  • Chester
    Chester reacted Boring to JonathanBentley's post in the thread Bible only kills.
    Most people blindly follow Bible only when the world is full of scripture. You have to study the history of the Bible. They never said...
  • CS1
    CS1 reacted Boring to JonathanBentley's post in the thread Mormon God.
    So Mormonism says we become God at some point in the future. How much did Jesus mean "ye are gods". Is it like a new birth where God...
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Boring to JonathanBentley's post in the thread Mental health.
    And you are? A psychiatrist maybe? No? Are you bored again or better after always hearing you berate people are you born again?