Reactions received by JTB

  • J
    Beware what you wish for! Do you REALLY want President Harris at the helm? (Chill runs down my spine)
  • de-emerald
    de-emerald reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The best lies are based on truth
  • de-emerald
    de-emerald reacted Friendly to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yes. The mark includes an element of worship. If there's no worshipping going on it's not complete.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I don't trust man, nor do I believe the mask/vax are foolproof. But they ARE the only tools we have to try and keep our neighbors safe...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    People have been using masks for hundreds of years with no problems. Doctors, nurses, medical staff use them all the time with no...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    And this is important - WHAT IS THE DECEPTION THAT GOD WARNS ABOUT? 1. Commies taking away our freedoms or 2. False prophets...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    But what Jesus gives us is SPIRITUAL freedom. Too many have that confused with physical freedom.
  • seed_time_harvest
    seed_time_harvest reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    But what Jesus gives us is SPIRITUAL freedom. Too many have that confused with physical freedom.
  • ZNP
    Not seriously ... it was a joke. (just like he was)
  • Rach77
    Rach77 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Marriage.
    You ARE new. You can't say "boo!" here without starting a debate lol ;)
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Marriage.
    You ARE new. You can't say "boo!" here without starting a debate lol ;)
  • DavidTree
    DavidTree reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Cessation of Gifts.
    I always figured 'completeness' came when Jesus returns and restores creation to it's pre-fall state. Thus, miracle healings will cease...
  • Lynx
    Lynx reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Marriage.
    You ARE new. You can't say "boo!" here without starting a debate lol ;)
  • J
    Awwwww you're so nice. I'm not young, but I do kinda shoot from the hip. When something's been said a dozen times already, there's no...
  • J
    It hurts me to see so many so ready to declare brothers and sisters in the Lord as their enemy. And so ready to take the mile from the...
  • AandW
    AandW reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Every time I hear a Christian whine about "my personal rights" it makes me sad
  • AandW
    AandW reacted Winner to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Reactions/side effects seem to depend on where your immune system is at. The first shot revs your system up, the 2nd puts it in...
  • reacted Winner to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The shot doesn't put covid into anyone. It makes your body produce antibodies to the spike protein that is unique to covid. I had covid...
  • reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Interesting. Didn't the day actually start at sundown? I wonder why it would specify mornings
  • seed_time_harvest
    seed_time_harvest reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The shot doesn't put covid into anyone. It makes your body produce antibodies to the spike protein that is unique to covid. I had covid...