Reactions received by juliiie

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to juliiie's post in the thread new here.
    Hello! I'm looking for friends who like talking about religion since no one around me understands how important it is to me. I'm a bit...
  • CharliRenee
    CharliRenee reacted Friendly to juliiie's post in the thread new here.
    Hello! I'm looking for friends who like talking about religion since no one around me understands how important it is to me. I'm a bit...
  • reacted Like to juliiie's post in the thread new here.
    Hello! I'm looking for friends who like talking about religion since no one around me understands how important it is to me. I'm a bit...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to juliiie's post in the thread new here.
    Hello! I'm looking for friends who like talking about religion since no one around me understands how important it is to me. I'm a bit...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Friendly to juliiie's post in the thread new here.
    Hello! I'm looking for friends who like talking about religion since no one around me understands how important it is to me. I'm a bit...
  • Bingo
    Bingo reacted Like to juliiie's comment on Bingo's profile post
    Good morning! I'm still getting used to this chat but so far it's really great ☺️ thank you for asking
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Happy to juliiie's post in the thread new here.
    thank you for being so welcoming ☺️
  • Magenta
    Heyy does anyone have good music recommendation? i like any type of music, my only criteria is for it to be christian music! So reply...
  • posthuman
    Heyy does anyone have good music recommendation? i like any type of music, my only criteria is for it to be christian music! So reply...