Reactions received by Kavik

  • G
    garee reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    @presidente – Just have a look at the map in the Wikipedia article on provential languages of the Roman Empire. There were quite a...
  • reacted Dislike to Kavik's post in the thread Jesus birth and childhood.
    ?? - They're two completely different accounts; how can they not contradict each other? How do you account for the discrepancy between...
  • preacher4truth
    preacher4truth reacted Agree to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Yes - when it comes to something spoken, all Biblical references to "tongues" refer to real, rational language(s).
  • CS1
    CS1 reacted Disagree to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    @CS1 (post #4,259) – Essentially, you’re saying what a lot of people tell me – namely, that I’m trying to explain/understand something...
  • G
    garee reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    @CS1 (post #4,259) – Essentially, you’re saying what a lot of people tell me – namely, that I’m trying to explain/understand something...
  • N
    Noose reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    No, not metaphorical - but likely just to those disciples. People like to take a look at virtually every passage and try and apply it...
  • reacted Useful to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Part 1 - Essentially, you’re saying what a lot of people tell me – namely, that I’m trying to explain/understand something...
  • reacted Useful to Kavik's post in the thread Speaking in tongues.
    Part II - Can anyone have the God-given ability to learn languages quickly? Yup. But, as mentioned above, when said gift/ability is...
  • N
    Noose reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    Tongues, as referenced in the Bible are real, rational languages. What some Christians are producing today is non-cognitive non-language...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    Tongues, as referenced in the Bible are real, rational languages. What some Christians are producing today is non-cognitive non-language...
  • CS1
    CS1 reacted Disagree to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    To reiterate something I've posted in the past - Note the following: /mɛ’na xajlɛ’j xala’ja, mɛnxa’j ɛlɛji’ɛ lɛ lɛ’j xomue’mənti ei’...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Informative to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    @ Stonesoffire – “It reminds me of a song. Like a repeating chorus.” Yes, what your referring to is a feature of glossolalia; namely...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Agree to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    Welcome - it would be cool to see if anyone has transcribed the lyrics to any of the songs - but, she seems to sing in more an 'operatic...
  • You're reading into the text something that just isn't there. No difference in language - just an indication that said praying/singing...
  • dcontroversal
    Agreed - aside from the fact it's a later addition, the verse that some like to quote is Mark 16:17 - “they will speak in new tongues”...
  • Angela53510
    That's a great theory, and if what people were uttering today were indeed an actual language, I would say, it's entirely possible...
  • Laish
    That's a great theory, and if what people were uttering today were indeed an actual language, I would say, it's entirely possible...
  • CherieR
    CherieR reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    I don’t believe I’ve ever said that. That said, as I’ve mentioned in over posts, modern tongues are very tangible; they can be recorded...
  • reacted Disagree to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    Look, modern tongues are what they are; an entirely self created phenomenon. I'm not speaking about the 'tongues experience' here - just...
  • Hevosmies
    Hevosmies reacted Informative to Kavik's post in the thread Praying in Tongues.
    I would have to say it's just the opposite - your belief that what 'tongues'-speakers are producing today comes from reading into the...