Reactions received by KelbyofGod

  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    FreeGrace2 asked for the explanation. I gave the explanation. That doesn't mean many people are going to believe it. Love in Jesus, Kelby
  • G
    Gideon300 reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    It's easily provable (biblically) that a person can receive the Holy Ghost a considerable amount of time AFTER belief, if that's what...
  • R
    rayzor reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Somehow I knew someone would ask that. I almost dismissed it as slightly absurd like the question of "On what will you trip next?"...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Fearing God.
    Prov 1:7 is not talking about a general fear of being near God. It's talking about being afraid to knowingly do something that is...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Fearing God.
    What I said IS respect. But I'll forewarn you that I'm currently debating how to handle you. You COULD be answering this because...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Fearing God.
  • DavidTree
    DavidTree reacted Friendly to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Fearing God.
    You're the first person in the BDF that I've seen who recognized the connection between the Rev 22 account and the Proverbs account of...
  • DavidTree
    DavidTree reacted Informative to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Fearing God.
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I like the beginning of that explanation because it sounds good, but at least one of the base premises is a wrong assumption. And it...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I guess I could/should have included this other foundational statement in the false category when comparing it to the Cornelius account...
  • reacted Disagree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Only if they accept the gospel to the point of submission TO it. The gospel includes repentance (change of heart) and baptism FOR THE...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Winner to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I see this being overlooked by MANY, so I'll just say it here as a point for all. After Jesus' resurrection, as Jesus was sending his...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Only if they accept the gospel to the point of submission TO it. The gospel includes repentance (change of heart) and baptism FOR THE...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Baptism ISN'T a work of righteousness that WE do. Baptism is done TO us... but only if we "accept" (submit to) the gospel. Love in...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    The word "AND" is not a word of replacement. Jesus said we are required to be born of water AND of spirit. One is NOT a replacement for...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Not that I have high hopes that you'll agree, but he had already mentioned the spirit baptism in the verse before. Prior to asking God...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    God was pretty ingenious in his handling (and separating in time) of these matters. GOD sent John the baptist to establish the way of...
  • Mii
    Mii reacted Friendly to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Church cults.
    I don't use a modern definition of "cult". I use the first one I found, probably in some old dictionary. It said a cult is "any...
  • Pilgrimshope
    What a wonderful opportunity you have to ask God and trust him to reveal a mystery to you. (honest, not smug) Meanwhile, I'll say this...