Reactions received by know1

  • Duskey
    Duskey reacted Winner to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    That is exactly what I am getting at. You do things, not only because you want to, but because you know you can do, whatever it is...
  • preacher4truth
    preacher4truth reacted Disagree to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    But of course, would anyone expect any less from such greatness? Stand back, lest thou be consumed in my brightness.:LOL: No, that is...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Surprised to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    But of course, would anyone expect any less from such greatness? Stand back, lest thou be consumed in my brightness.:LOL: No, that is...
  • reacted Disagree to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    But of course, would anyone expect any less from such greatness? Stand back, lest thou be consumed in my brightness.:LOL: No, that is...
  • SoulWeaver
    SoulWeaver reacted Useful to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    That is exactly what I am getting at. You do things, not only because you want to, but because you know you can do, whatever it is...
  • SoulWeaver
    SoulWeaver reacted Disagree to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    But of course, would anyone expect any less from such greatness? Stand back, lest thou be consumed in my brightness.:LOL: No, that is...
  • EternalFire
    EternalFire reacted Winner to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    Php 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
  • reacted Disagree to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    Again, Paul and James are not speaking of the same kind of works. Both Jesus and the author of Hebrews explains WHAT faith IS. Where...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Informative to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    I have looked at many verses both in the old testament and in the new, concerning righteousness, and I must say, you are correct, and I...
  • Blue_Of_Lake
    Blue_Of_Lake reacted Useful to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    I say what is written, which is, we are saved by the grace of God through faith, and not by works of the law. What I am arguing against...
  • Blue_Of_Lake
    Blue_Of_Lake reacted Like to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    Joh 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye [bear...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Informative to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    So God did not need Moses to lead His people out of bondage, nor did He need Joshua to clear the land of all the ites, and so on? God's...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    Show me in scripture where God didn't use man for His purpose or will to be done.
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Agree to know1's post in the thread By Works.
    If we are held responsible for our eternal destruction, then we are responsible for our eternal life. God requires us to act on His...
  • Blik
    I did not say you had to confess Jesus before Christians, or even before man or people. However, Jesus did say, if you confess me before...
  • P
    That is flat out wrong or incorrect. To think our sins are automatically forgiven, covered under the blood of jesus, and cleansed of...
  • DeanM
    I used to say, most sickness comes on a person due to their sins, but this past year has opened up a new area of understanding for me...
  • DeanM
    According to pelosi, people will do what people do, except when they take your laptop in your office. I suppose that's more serious than...
  • DeanM
    Welcome to Democrats Communist agenda. Like China, like the US. Like China, they lie, kill, steal, and destroy all who oppose them. Look...
  • shittim
    God may not be a politician but he is anti-demonic rat and pro-republican for the United States of America.