Reactions received by Laish

  • Hevosmies
    Hevosmies reacted Funny to Laish's post in the thread Is Catholocism bad?.
    Did you read the full article about Teresa ? The article acused her of fraud . Taking money for her work in India then sending a...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Is Catholocism bad?.
    Did you read the full article about Teresa ? The article acused her of fraud . Taking money for her work in India then sending a...
  • preacher4truth
    preacher4truth reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Is Catholocism bad?.
    Did you read the full article about Teresa ? The article acused her of fraud . Taking money for her work in India then sending a...
  • B
    billabong reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Is Catholocism bad?.
    Did you read the full article about Teresa ? The article acused her of fraud . Taking money for her work in India then sending a...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Agree to Laish's post in the thread Is Catholocism bad?.
    Lol well Calvin would say he was Reformed if he was alive today . Let’s be honest only Jesus Christ is better . That being said those...
  • reacted Happy to Laish's post in the thread Immigration Invasion.
    Perhaps some have been assimilated in to the lilywolf collective. LOL Blessings Bill
  • reacted Agree to Laish's post in the thread Immigration Invasion.
    Wow you seem familiar. Reminds me of a wolf. Humm Bill
  • reacted Agree to Laish's post in the thread Immigration Invasion.
    Yea she went adios a while back . Yet some how the posting style remains. Blessings Bill
  • preacher4truth
    preacher4truth reacted Funny to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Looks like everyone is condemned. Including the oceans . I knew Fliper was up to no good . Blessings Bill
  • Sackcloth-N-Ashes
    Sackcloth-N-Ashes reacted Winner to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Looks like everyone is condemned. Including the oceans . I knew Fliper was up to no good . Blessings Bill
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Well he created the abilities to sense these things down to the last neuron, or to she smallest subatomic partial . I think He has a...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Ok he gained knowledge? Let’s back track to Hebrews Hebrews 12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Winner to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Ok God's intent was to destroy Nineveh if it did not repent . If not why send Jonah? Also did Jonah know something God did not ? Jonah...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Looks like everyone is condemned. Including the oceans . I knew Fliper was up to no good . Blessings Bill
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Funny to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    I knew you were going to say that. Blessings Bill
  • Sackcloth-N-Ashes
    Ok back to the OP . Do you believe him ? That's basically what's this is about. That he is actually one of the two witness. Blessings...
  • Subhumanoidal
    Subhumanoidal reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Well it comes down to this . Did God create time ? I believe yes . That leads me to understand that he is outside of time .( thinking...