Reactions received by mbjones

  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to mbjones's post in the thread Hi, new member here.
    Hello, i've just joined here. I'm an English man, living in the UK, who has recently become a Christian. Am happy to chat and to find...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Like to mbjones's post in the thread Hi, new member here.
    Hello, i've just joined here. I'm an English man, living in the UK, who has recently become a Christian. Am happy to chat and to find...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to mbjones's post in the thread Hi, new member here.
    Hello, i've just joined here. I'm an English man, living in the UK, who has recently become a Christian. Am happy to chat and to find...
  • de-emerald
    de-emerald reacted Like to mbjones's post in the thread Hi, new member here.
    Thank you for all the kind words. I hope to grow and develop as a new Christian with all your aid and support.