Reactions received by melita916

  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Friendly to melita916's post in the thread Budget tips?.
    I’m not sure if you live in the States. We are a 1 income home and have a 16 month old. Praise the Lord we have everything we need. We...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Friendly to melita916's post in the thread Budget tips?.
    I’m not sure if you live in the States. We are a 1 income home and have a 16 month old. Praise the Lord we have everything we need. We...
  • Billyd
    Billyd reacted Friendly to melita916's post in the thread Budget tips?.
    I’m not sure if you live in the States. We are a 1 income home and have a 16 month old. Praise the Lord we have everything we need. We...