Reactions given by OneOfHis

  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to azamzimtoti's post in the thread Not By Works.
    He contradicts himself in his letter in my opinion. We don't have a speech from him preaching the gospel. All we can do is piece...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Guojing's post in the thread Not By Works.
    So you didn't really mean what you said there? But that was also what James 2:14 literally said too right? I believe both are...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Guojing's post in the thread Not By Works.
    For me, yes the book of James is inspired by the HS. He was writing doctrinal instructions to the Jews to keep during the time of...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Virginkah24's post in the thread Virgin single 24.
    u weren't there plus the story is deeper then wat I wrote. at the end of the day I did not want the oral I was not only not able to...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Sagart's post in the thread Not By Works.
    No, the very gospel is that we “are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Sagart's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Should we tear 2 Peter out of our Bibles and flush the pages down our toilet? And how about the very many pages in our Bible that...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Sagart's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Up until the 16th century, all Christians believed in the conditional security of the believer. This was also the doctrine of our...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Sagart's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Apostates are people who had been Christians but who have taken a stand against Christ.
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to GWYW_Bob's post in the thread Doomed to be single?.
    What I want to do is help other singles who have been told their lot is the best there is when it isn't. Rampant singleness is hurting...
  • OneOfHis
    Yes they do, fornication the word itself means whoredom, to have more than one partner, to be a brothel. Look at society, they belong...
  • OneOfHis
    The church today says that the Sabbath was cancelled. As proof they tell of Mary’s discovery of the risen Christ on Sunday. It doesn’t...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to acts5_29's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying black lives matter, and supporting an end to policy brutality. No one ever said that...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to acts5_29's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    I don't think black lives matter is a terrorist organization. I think it is your slanderous words about them that are white supremacist.
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to acts5_29's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    I have heard enough words from black people directly who support the movement and for exactly the reason advertised: because black...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Jst4Cush's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    Please help me understand....why whenever a Black organization rises to fight for equality, it is deemed as a "terrorist", "radical" or...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Jst4Cush's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    ....why whenever a Black organization rises to fight for equality, it is deemed as a "terrorist" , "radical" or "militant" group when...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Pulie's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    So many truths have been ignored and has therefore resulted in the BLM movement. There are underlying issues that needs to be addressed...
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Pulie's post in the thread Black Lives Matters?.
    Wow, there is a lot that black people have to deal with: It's black on black violence,abortions,police brutality,racism,being in the...
  • OneOfHis
    #Biden2020 and you can bet your life on that. Trump is losing.
  • OneOfHis
    OneOfHis reacted Disagree to Placid's post in the thread Christ is God.
    Hi, There is a way to understand God, which shows that neither Christ nor Jesus are God. It involves making a diagram and identifying...