Recent content by PATrobus

  1. PATrobus


    I agree as Heb. 13:7 tells us, "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." but we are not to follow them, but rather their faith. Men will fail, and if my trust or faith is in man I will be...
  2. PATrobus


    Go faster than the posted speed limit.
  3. PATrobus


    Reminders - Standards Some Christians think more highly of themselves than they should. By elevating themselves, they find that most other people don’t measure up to their standards. They think others should pray more, read the Bible more, study more, act more loving, not...
  4. PATrobus

    My Testimony

    Greetings Brethren. I'm new here coming over from Rapture Forums. I'm glad to have found you. Here is my testimony. Two men carrying Bibles knocked on my door. They told me that Jesus died on the cross paying for all my sins, that He was buried for three days and then rose from the...