Recent content by petterpipper89

  1. P

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    baptism is a simbol of your fath and follower of jesus to walk a sinless path a rightgess path what saves the soul is your comentment to jesus not to do the things that afends him and sin is that what we reep we sow he is a just god it has to be delt with wether we no or not what we do so its...
  2. P

    Baby could be the first child in Britain to not legally have a mother

    the gay gender is gone over bord thay no deep in ther hart what thay stand for is rong but still persist to be exsepted in ther own false hood and want to bring inocent children in it to corupt ther soul thay sould be satiesfide being what thay are and not be alowerd to bring children in to ther...
  3. P

    petterpipper89 bible in hand

    hi and wellcome to all lets talk bible and god bless