Recent content by Poet-of-Ephraim

  1. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Chasm of Debate

    The chasm between brothers breathes in their sigh, It craves all well-meaning hearts salted with pride. Be quick to build a bridge for its edges are fragile, And the collapse is keener for the humble and agile. Woe! They've fallen in! Still biting as they plummet! Their surface stripped away as...
  2. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Parched & Happy

    Thank you for you kind words and ongoing support @Seeker47 . Much love.
  3. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Parched & Happy

    The grass is crisp, it won’t drink up rain, The earth is scorched and shields to grain, Bathing in the sun’s glory they waste to a fray, So water rolls off and the seed bounces away. How much of the Word is ignored by believers! Through twisted theology, lies and deceivers. How faith is...
  4. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Angry Man

    In a marathon of laps for a fool’s-gold medal, Blood hot and heart cold in the chest of a rebel. Perspective eclipsed by passion and principle, Losing control and wisdom, feeling invincible. Shame on the angry man who feels no shame! Blame's upon him even if he's free of all blame, For his...
  5. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Choose & Fight

    Amen @SparkyM I'm so pleased the poem spoke to you and now glad I wrote it. Love & peace to you
  6. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Choose & Fight

    Bridle the stallion and shoe all his kicks, Saddle him and clutch as he wildly flips. Dig in your heels and for the river march, Once there be still 'til he's finally parched. No beast becomes tame if we hide from it, So to choose to forgive and then fight for it. The battle will be hard...
  7. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Conspiracy Fear Ease

    The lot of the cowards will fall to the gullible, The hive-minded who class query insufferable. Drowning their fear in a lake named Conspiracy, And justify the act in a regurgitated soliloquy. Ignorance perfected and the mockery's ironic, Intelligence defective and defense histrionic. But...
  8. Poet-of-Ephraim


    Even though I have a great sense of direction, It won't help me when I reach an intersection. Recalling the way and having a good compass, Won't save me from pitfalls, traps and hunters. The labyrinth eats pride and spits out humility, Grinds down every confident plan and ability. Each turn...
  9. Poet-of-Ephraim


    Torn apart with teeth or divided in love, Stab with a finger or handshake in a glove. Can ten of us agree on at least one topic? 21st century Christianity's kaleidoscopic. We're all part of some sect, know it or not, Unity's become a promise our ego's forgot. The inner child's jaded, the outer...
  10. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Paul's Retreat at Caesarea

    He paces for days around his cell impatiently. “I have so much to do! So many places to be!” He pines for weeks at the sound of rolling waves. “I’m wasting time whilst there’s so many to save” He prays for months, passionately and contrite. “Who am I to help here? To whom should I write?”...
  11. Poet-of-Ephraim


    I like that concept. I this one may serve as the other side of it.
  12. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Movement of the Church

    Prayers for the Temple, Torah mystics, Discounted lambs, Fasts masochistic, Truth polluted, worship selfish and proud, So the people of Yah moved underground. Prayers for buildings, theological misfits, Sunday small-talk, weak tea and biscuits. Truth diluted, worship casual and unsound, So...
  13. Poet-of-Ephraim


    Again, I'm so sorry, I won't do it again, I messed up again, the same way again. I repent again so please forgive me again. Forget my sins again, once more, again. If the sin is scarlet, the again is burgundy, Crushed from all the agains that burden me. But agains will again, and again I'm...
  14. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Prophet's Retort

    My family has disowned me and I’ve lost my wife, People mock and hit me and daily threaten my life. I’ve lost my home, my name, dignity and raiment, And called a liar and profane as an ironic payment. But He feeds me with wondrous words to guide us, Tells me to speak up and write down on...
  15. Poet-of-Ephraim

    Introvert in Zion

    What becomes of the introvert who lives in paradise? For I’m surely the most socially awkward of all acolytes. If they have no friends, do they live right on the perimeter? If they can’t do ‘normal’ is there something extracurricular? And though the feasts’ sound nice and are surely...