Recent content by Rim

  1. R

    How do we have a sexual counter-revolution in the church

    I agree that fornication should not be trivialized, trust me. I’m just also saying that the way we discuss sex in churches today (generally speaking), seems to only be in the context of sin, not in the context of love and beauty. I knew a lady at my old church who was a Sunday school teacher...
  2. R

    Shortest Testimony Ever

    Lol if anyone doubts the practicality of it, don’t forget that there’s nothing God can’t do. I grew up in church as a baby, so my little mind had always been exposed to Jesus. One day I just knew I needed Him. Didn’t know how or why, just knew I did. As I grew older, I was ministered to and...
  3. R

    Shortest Testimony Ever

    I’m about 2 years old and am sitting in the backseat of the car my mother is driving. For some reason, I knew I needed Jesus. Just knew it, so I accepted Him right then and there. This is the only memory I have from being that young. It’s amazingly vivid too. I remember what side of the car my...
  4. R

    What’s a Dad to Do?

    This is for all husbands, especially those with difficult marriages. I understand what it’s like to try and show backbone as a man when you’re worried every fight throws your wife into a crippling depression, often due to unresolved issues from childhood. The end result of that is just conceding...
  5. R

    What should our views be on LGBT

    I’m a little disturbed by the overly righteous indignation of the OP’s post, which represents much of what push people away from Christianity. He says that, although he is respectful, he’s still disgusted by LGBTQ people for their sin. Jesus, who was God yet walked the earth as a man, absolutely...
  6. R

    How do we have a sexual counter-revolution in the church

    It would be nice if the church stopped treating sex like this horrible terrible thing that is a no-no to do. Sex is an amazing experience designed between a man and woman who have dedicated their lives to each other and God. When you tell a bunch of hormone-driven teenagers to not do something...
  7. R

    Should we stand with Israel?

    From my knowledge of the Bible, Israel is not a place or a government. It’s a people, God’s chosen people. When I say I support Israel, yes I do support “Israel” the nation-state since that nation-state is represented by a majority of God’s chosen people. But I also equally support Israel all...
  8. R

    New Member

    Thank you. That means more to me than you know.
  9. R

    New Member

    Hi everyone. I’m a new member. Been a Christian for a long time, but about 5 years ago went through something very personal that made me angry at God. Other things in my life aren’t going well at the moment partially self-inflicted, and it’s bringing me back to God. Just want to join a community...