Reactions received by RR

  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to RR's post in the thread Howdy.
    Hello from the Midwest. Just recently joined and wanted to introduce myself. Hopefully we can upbuild each other and bounce ideas off of...
  • Kireina
    Kireina reacted Friendly to RR's post in the thread Howdy.
    Hello from the Midwest. Just recently joined and wanted to introduce myself. Hopefully we can upbuild each other and bounce ideas off of...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to RR's post in the thread Howdy.
    Hello from the Midwest. Just recently joined and wanted to introduce myself. Hopefully we can upbuild each other and bounce ideas off of...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to RR's post in the thread Hebrews 6.
    The fact that you're questioning says you haven't. Those who fall away don't come back. The fact that you're repentant and are...