Recent content by RushBreeze

  1. RushBreeze

    Saying No To Someone Who Is Not Christian

    OK, quick preface, I work with a guy who is super sweet, into a lot of the same things as me, and has a lot of qualities that recommend him. Problem is he is definitely not a Christian. He is not rude about it, but has been upfront that he feels science and religion dont mix and therefore...
  2. RushBreeze

    Best Slow Cooker Recipes

    I've picked up tiny 3qt(L) slow cooker and my mom has passed on her big old 5qt(L) slow cooker when she found out I was interested and since hers was just lying around. Thus I've been poking around trying to find delish, quick and healthy recipes that dont call for beans... I've found in my...
  3. RushBreeze

    Spending A Little Time At A Convent

    Hi Everyone! I have a kind of a bizarre question. All through my teen life and into adulthood I have found myself fascinated by the lives lead by nuns. I think it can be a really beautiful and fulfilling calling. I don't nessisarily believe I am called to it (who am I to say what God has...
  4. RushBreeze

    Physical Affection

    Good evening everyone! I have a question to pose to the group, wondering if its just a me thing, or if its something other people have experienced too. I am in general a very physically affectionate person. Hugs and kisses and cuddles abound in my family, and when I am around my girl friends...
  5. RushBreeze

    Pornography and Standards of Beauty

    Hi everyone, I have kind of a touchy subject to broach and a heart hurt to unburden. I have mentioned on here before that the person that I like is also my churches youth and young adult pastor. This is something I have currently surrendered to God to do with what He may, and have gone on...
  6. RushBreeze

    Crush On My Pastor...

    Hi Everyone, I'd really love everyones advice on this, as I have no idea what to do or where to go to ask. I started going to my new church a little over a year ago, and found the people to be incredibly kind and caring. For the first time since I graduated high school I had found a church to...
  7. RushBreeze

    Ducky War

    Good morning one and all! :D I hereby hope to introduce you all to the great and mighty Ducky War. Twas a long time ago that the dear Brookeyrose and I wandered the hallowed halls of the TVU Rant Boards and chat rooms. (A Christian forum and board system for teens and young adults who tuned...