Reactions received by TLC209

  • N
    2 Peter 3:14 And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives...
  • N
    Based on everything youve stated even the believers who do works are also saved. Not otherwise like you state. If you believe you are...
  • H
    No worries. I wouldnt have had a clue what this post meant without ur message lol have a good one... Oh and its funny how quick the guy...
  • Wansvic
    Well we are made in the image of God. We are a person, who have speech and have a spirit. The Father is God, He has His Word and He has...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread Dealing with loneliness?.
    The only cure ive found in singleness is the feeling you get when you witness to others about Gods goodness, His love, and who He is...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread Dealing with loneliness?.
    The only cure ive found in singleness is the feeling you get when you witness to others about Gods goodness, His love, and who He is...
  • MultilingualMessenger
    The only cure ive found in singleness is the feeling you get when you witness to others about Gods goodness, His love, and who He is...
  • BlessedByGod
    The only cure ive found in singleness is the feeling you get when you witness to others about Gods goodness, His love, and who He is...
  • Blik
    That is precisely what scripture tells us. Revelation is given by the Holy Spirit. Here is what scripture says on the matter brother...
  • That is precisely what scripture tells us. Revelation is given by the Holy Spirit. Here is what scripture says on the matter brother...
  • S
    Youre saying what is false? The scripture? Dino you dont have to reply to every post just to sound credible. Atleast study the Word or...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Appreciate the openness you are exibiting. Id like to respond to your statement. I can see you believe that one is saved by mere belief...
  • J
    Judges1318 reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Those are both the same faith. There is only two kinds of faith. Faith with works and faith that has no good works. The second is not...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Those are both the same faith. There is only two kinds of faith. Faith with works and faith that has no good works. The second is not...
  • S
    StrenfOGod reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Those are both the same faith. There is only two kinds of faith. Faith with works and faith that has no good works. The second is not...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Brother if you wish to have the Holy Spirit let us pray for you to receive it. It is a good thing for you to desire the Holy Spirit. We...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    You ever fall in love with a girl? Be all head over heels madly in love? Or how about just straight sprung over a girl? It would be in...
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    You make no sense.. they knew Christ only after being born again? Christ was resurrected in Heaven when the outpouring of the Holy...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    You make no sense.. they knew Christ only after being born again? Christ was resurrected in Heaven when the outpouring of the Holy...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    2 Corinthians 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now...