Recent content by Vcabaniss

  1. V

    Christian Lyrics

    Christian lyrics come from the heart of what words God gave you to write. Not a CCM formula or what will sell to certain genres. I wish others actually understood this.
  2. V

    Wrapped in your Arms

    Before her hair cut too
  3. V

    Christian Metal

    How many remember I dragon I
  4. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    Or hanging with friends in those groups jamming at the beach! This is where I live
  5. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    Dawn has worked hard on the music with Wendy majority of the times when the songs are composed. It is funny, all the guys are from here in Florida and I know Dawn and her family well. Great people! Casting Crowns is a band that my hubby had a nephew that used to play in the group. The red...
  6. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    I never seen where Dawn opened for Casting Crowns, odd.
  7. V

    Casting Crowns' Album "Only Jesus"

    Some of my favorite people including the old drummer
  8. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    When it came down to one group that was signed to a major label in the beginning, Fireflight, they ended in a indie stage for a while when they ended up writing some of their best music. Dawn was able to pursue her dream and make a solo album which you know is not easy when you do not have a ton...
  9. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    I remember this one. Good artist! It is sad when the industry tears them up and pushes them to be a business only.
  10. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    I know an artist that was in one of the recent grammy bands etc. However you want to call them. Basically, he admitted when he first joined the group, he was completely humbled to be a part of such a talented group. They traveled all over the world. He told us about a story when they played in...
  11. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    Sadly, exactly right. CCM is following rock formulas to sell, not to have real passion to music about Christ. I know the groups are genuine that I know personally, but it is still sad their music is not really their own.
  12. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    I have some friends in the CCM world that the music label has taken the original music and changed the songs completely. At times, Jesus could be mentioned only so many times or more than enough. Meaning they took Christ and used Him for the dollar bill verses Christ that died for us. There are...
  13. V

    Why is CCM having music labels change artists songs?

    I have seen too many of known artist without their original work being accepted. I wonder why.