Reactions received by Xero838

  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Friendly to Xero838's post in the thread Hi All.
    Hi all, new member here. Have always been a non believer or agnostic at best but started attending church with my partner as a...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Xero838's post in the thread Hi All.
    Hi all, new member here. Have always been a non believer or agnostic at best but started attending church with my partner as a...
  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Friendly to Xero838's post in the thread Hi All.
    Hi all, new member here. Have always been a non believer or agnostic at best but started attending church with my partner as a...
  • HealthAndHappiness
    HealthAndHappiness reacted Friendly to Xero838's post in the thread Hi All.
    Hi all, new member here. Have always been a non believer or agnostic at best but started attending church with my partner as a...