And, if you would like for your town to be one of the places I visit, then let me know...
There are several of you that I would really like to meet. I am hoping that you might also like to meet me. It might be just a brief visit over a cup of coffee. Or, it could be several hours over the course of a whole day. It can even be a several day visit if you are able to provide sleep / shower / food / etc. accommodations during that time while I help you with some need or project ( or, perhaps, a longer time of fellowship "simply because we want to"... ). The extent of the visit is largely up to you.
My motives are:
1) personal fellowship and friendship
2) learn new and interesting things
3) help you in some way if I can
That is it. That is what the whole road trip is all about.
Under no circumstances do I want to "overstay my welcome"; the visit is over when you decide. This is "rule number one" -- because, I want you to feel completely comfortable about me coming to visit you. Especially the ladies.
All of you may expect me to conduct myself as "a perfect gentleman" at all times.
And, please understand one thing...
I have a real faith in a real God based on His real Son - the Lord Jesus Christ. But --- I am not "religious" in the way I conduct my daily activity --- and, I have no intentions whatsoever of making any of you feel uncomfortable by the manner in which I conduct myself when / while I am around you. I believe we best show our faith by "how we are" and "what we do"; we don't necessarily have to come across like a street corner preacher in our every conversation we have with everyone we meet.
If we spend our time talking about the Lord, that is fine - if that is what you want to do. I am not afraid to participate in - and sometimes very much enjoy - such discussions. However, I do not believe ( as some folks seem to ) that:
Every time God's people meet, there has to be a 'service'...
I may or may not pray with / for you during our visit. ( Please understand the context, here. I have already prayed for many of you sitting behind my keyboard where I am now while typing this. ) This is something I do - or not do - on a "case by case" basis. I refuse to do anything based on a 'ritualistic' expectation or requirement; I prefer to do such things "as I am led"... ( As a rule - I would rather volunteer to pray than to be asked to. I am a very 'private' individual when it comes to some things. )
My point in making mention of all of this is that I don't want you to avoid me because you are afraid that I might put you on the spot in some way. Well, you can forget about all of that. I think I am too "laid back" for that. First and foremost, I intend our visit to be completely comfortable for you.
Completely "casual and comfortable" is what I am after. There is no further requirement for "personal fellowship and friendship" ( #1 above ) to occur between people.
And, I am interested in "learn new and interesting things" ( #2 above ) -- about you, your life, your town, etc.
And, if by any reasonable request, I want to "help you in some way if I can" ( #3 above ). Let me know what I might can do for you while I am there. In addition to things electrical / electronic - and computer hardware / sofware -- I also have knowledge and experience in a variety of other areas. What I am most "known" for is "fixing things"...
And, there are a few things you probably don't want me to help you with.
I will be sure to let you know if you bring one of them up. 
If my plans go as intended, I will be starting my trip sometime in the latter half of September. However, please let me know ASAP about your wish to be included somewhere along my route. Also let me know the anticipated extent of the visit, so I can plan accordingly. It would also be good if you talked to me ( sooner will probably be better than later ) about what you may need help with when I get there.
I intend to chronicle my journey on CC in-as-much as I am able.
( Which - who knows - could possibly raise member activity and traffic over a several month span of time, if there is enough genuine interest in "following" it --- which I am "pretty sure" the site owner would probably appreciate...
I very much intend to protect the privacy of anyone I meet, with regard to their membership on this site. I have no intention of posting any information about other members that they would not want posted. In other words - if I come visit you - I am not going to "make public" any more of our visit than what is okay with you. ( And, naturally, I expect the same from you. )
I mean -- as long as you don't come at me with an axe or chainsaw
--- I think you are probably going to be safe...
Just remember --- before I ever show up at your doorstep ( or, in your town ) -- several people will know where I am.
As long as you have no "evil mischief" in mind, everything will go well and end well - and, we will all be just fine.
As for your protection -- well - don't worry about that. Long before we meet, we will no-doubt have exchanged some e-mails and probably had a few conversations on the phone. And, "there are ways" of making you feel totally comfortable about our visit.

In order to illustrate just how important I believe this road trip to be, I will "let you in on a little secret"...
I am currently in the process of selling [ virtually ] everything I own in preparation for the trip. After moving out of my current residence and paying last-utility bills, etc. -- "we will see what is left"...
The road trip is not intended to solicit anything from anyone. Only that - if my visit should be a long-enough one ( i.e. - longer than a portion of a single day ), I will no doubt need additional "support" to be able to maintain a longer stay in your area. Unless the Lord really blesses this adventure, I will not be able to stay in hotels / motels along the way.
In fact - I will not hesitate to say - I will be planning the trip around those places where the aforementioned 'accommodations' are offered. Because, it is the only way I will be able to make this trip.
So -- if you should think that a short visit from me might be worth a little fellowship, friendship, exchange of ideas, whatever -- and, you are able to provide the aforementioned 'accommodations' so that we may have a more comfortable "extended" visit together -- then, let me know...
Please don't offer to do something you really cannot afford to do - or don't feel comfortable in doing. Let me know what you can do - and, who knows, the Lord may provide what is needed on that occasion so that we may visit.
As nice as it sounds to want to try to attend some of the "meet-ups" that have been talked about on CC -- my current life circumstances would seem to prevent me from doing so. Well -- this is my solution. I very much need to take a "leave of absence" from my current situation anyway.
Part of the reason I am doing this is illustrated in the overall idea given in this video posted in my TED Talks thread.
Another thing that kind-of inspired this idea was reading about what PennEd-and-friends did for Depleted in this thread.
And, of course, there are some other "real-life" things happening "on-this-side-of-the-keyboard" that had a part in it also.
Again -- this trip is about the three things I listed above. And, I really do want to make this a give-more-than-receive effort on my part...
All I am asking for is an opportunity to make it happen - and, to see it through.
So -- how many of you will I come to visit during the next several months?
If the Lord is willing -- then -- well -- we shall see...
PM me if you are interested in a future 'meet' / 'visit' with me.
There are several of you that I would really like to meet. I am hoping that you might also like to meet me. It might be just a brief visit over a cup of coffee. Or, it could be several hours over the course of a whole day. It can even be a several day visit if you are able to provide sleep / shower / food / etc. accommodations during that time while I help you with some need or project ( or, perhaps, a longer time of fellowship "simply because we want to"... ). The extent of the visit is largely up to you.
My motives are:
1) personal fellowship and friendship
2) learn new and interesting things
3) help you in some way if I can
That is it. That is what the whole road trip is all about.
Under no circumstances do I want to "overstay my welcome"; the visit is over when you decide. This is "rule number one" -- because, I want you to feel completely comfortable about me coming to visit you. Especially the ladies.
All of you may expect me to conduct myself as "a perfect gentleman" at all times.
And, please understand one thing...
I have a real faith in a real God based on His real Son - the Lord Jesus Christ. But --- I am not "religious" in the way I conduct my daily activity --- and, I have no intentions whatsoever of making any of you feel uncomfortable by the manner in which I conduct myself when / while I am around you. I believe we best show our faith by "how we are" and "what we do"; we don't necessarily have to come across like a street corner preacher in our every conversation we have with everyone we meet.
If we spend our time talking about the Lord, that is fine - if that is what you want to do. I am not afraid to participate in - and sometimes very much enjoy - such discussions. However, I do not believe ( as some folks seem to ) that:
Every time God's people meet, there has to be a 'service'...
I may or may not pray with / for you during our visit. ( Please understand the context, here. I have already prayed for many of you sitting behind my keyboard where I am now while typing this. ) This is something I do - or not do - on a "case by case" basis. I refuse to do anything based on a 'ritualistic' expectation or requirement; I prefer to do such things "as I am led"... ( As a rule - I would rather volunteer to pray than to be asked to. I am a very 'private' individual when it comes to some things. )
My point in making mention of all of this is that I don't want you to avoid me because you are afraid that I might put you on the spot in some way. Well, you can forget about all of that. I think I am too "laid back" for that. First and foremost, I intend our visit to be completely comfortable for you.
Completely "casual and comfortable" is what I am after. There is no further requirement for "personal fellowship and friendship" ( #1 above ) to occur between people.
And, I am interested in "learn new and interesting things" ( #2 above ) -- about you, your life, your town, etc.
And, if by any reasonable request, I want to "help you in some way if I can" ( #3 above ). Let me know what I might can do for you while I am there. In addition to things electrical / electronic - and computer hardware / sofware -- I also have knowledge and experience in a variety of other areas. What I am most "known" for is "fixing things"...
And, there are a few things you probably don't want me to help you with.
If my plans go as intended, I will be starting my trip sometime in the latter half of September. However, please let me know ASAP about your wish to be included somewhere along my route. Also let me know the anticipated extent of the visit, so I can plan accordingly. It would also be good if you talked to me ( sooner will probably be better than later ) about what you may need help with when I get there.
I intend to chronicle my journey on CC in-as-much as I am able.
( Which - who knows - could possibly raise member activity and traffic over a several month span of time, if there is enough genuine interest in "following" it --- which I am "pretty sure" the site owner would probably appreciate...
I very much intend to protect the privacy of anyone I meet, with regard to their membership on this site. I have no intention of posting any information about other members that they would not want posted. In other words - if I come visit you - I am not going to "make public" any more of our visit than what is okay with you. ( And, naturally, I expect the same from you. )
I mean -- as long as you don't come at me with an axe or chainsaw
Just remember --- before I ever show up at your doorstep ( or, in your town ) -- several people will know where I am.
As long as you have no "evil mischief" in mind, everything will go well and end well - and, we will all be just fine.
As for your protection -- well - don't worry about that. Long before we meet, we will no-doubt have exchanged some e-mails and probably had a few conversations on the phone. And, "there are ways" of making you feel totally comfortable about our visit.
In order to illustrate just how important I believe this road trip to be, I will "let you in on a little secret"...
I am currently in the process of selling [ virtually ] everything I own in preparation for the trip. After moving out of my current residence and paying last-utility bills, etc. -- "we will see what is left"...
The road trip is not intended to solicit anything from anyone. Only that - if my visit should be a long-enough one ( i.e. - longer than a portion of a single day ), I will no doubt need additional "support" to be able to maintain a longer stay in your area. Unless the Lord really blesses this adventure, I will not be able to stay in hotels / motels along the way.
In fact - I will not hesitate to say - I will be planning the trip around those places where the aforementioned 'accommodations' are offered. Because, it is the only way I will be able to make this trip.
So -- if you should think that a short visit from me might be worth a little fellowship, friendship, exchange of ideas, whatever -- and, you are able to provide the aforementioned 'accommodations' so that we may have a more comfortable "extended" visit together -- then, let me know...
Please don't offer to do something you really cannot afford to do - or don't feel comfortable in doing. Let me know what you can do - and, who knows, the Lord may provide what is needed on that occasion so that we may visit.
As nice as it sounds to want to try to attend some of the "meet-ups" that have been talked about on CC -- my current life circumstances would seem to prevent me from doing so. Well -- this is my solution. I very much need to take a "leave of absence" from my current situation anyway.
Part of the reason I am doing this is illustrated in the overall idea given in this video posted in my TED Talks thread.
Another thing that kind-of inspired this idea was reading about what PennEd-and-friends did for Depleted in this thread.
And, of course, there are some other "real-life" things happening "on-this-side-of-the-keyboard" that had a part in it also.
Again -- this trip is about the three things I listed above. And, I really do want to make this a give-more-than-receive effort on my part...
All I am asking for is an opportunity to make it happen - and, to see it through.
So -- how many of you will I come to visit during the next several months?
If the Lord is willing -- then -- well -- we shall see...
PM me if you are interested in a future 'meet' / 'visit' with me.