he can come by anytime...we can discuss the round earth
I have no intention of wasting any precious get-to-know-that-fellow-CCer time arguing or debating things like you see on CC. Now - that does not mean that we cannot have a friendly discussion about [ whatever ] if you just really want to. I am not against it. Only, I would much rather spend the time we have more focused on the people - you and I - than on all of that other stuff. I would rather our visit be more personal -- to get to know each other as people - and, as Christian brothers and sisters.
I don't want our visit to be an "extension" of the CC environment; rather, I want it to be all about the CC members themselves.
I want to get to know you - the real person behind the CC name.
Again -- I want to keep things very relaxed and comfortable.
I want us to enjoy our time together as much as possible -- whether it is 15 minutes, an hour, all day, [ whatever ]...