It has to be the heart (circulatory system). It circulates blood which contains nutrients throughout the whole body via the bloodstream. The red blood cells also help transport oxygen from the lungs to body tissues and organs. This has to be the answer. It matches with everything in the riddle except for the ashes. I guess without the circulatory system the body would die from a lack of nutrients and oxygen and then start to decay and turn into ashes.
This is really a very marvelous mystery. And our friend usugimibilly has just discovered a very important truth.
He is exactly right, and he even expounds on it. LOL! He even got the ashes right!!
Now, go and look at all of the answers, and you might see something very interesting. Well, maybe some will see it. maybe some will not. Haha.
Oh and by the way Usugimibilly, indeed, because without oxygen(breathe) and blood(steams of life) there could be nothing to keep the body alive and together. So it becomes ashes.
Again, check all the answers and you might see something amazing.
May Jesus bless you all!! I liked that.