Noone knows this too- There was a time at home, everyone was aroun and I had just finished talking with my mum and sisters.I started feeling sleepy and went to my room to sleep.. I woke up like an hour later, went to the living room to see if the conversation had ended...noone was there...I went to all my sisters' rooms..noone was there (and I have six sisters!!!)...My parents also were nowhere to be found in the house!!! The entire house was empty!
I dont know why i panicked but I did...I REALLY panicked....The horrifying thought in my mind was "THE RAPTURE OCCURRED WHILE I WAS SLEEPING!!!...THEY'RE ALL GONE!!...THE RAPTURE, THE RAPTURE.....I'VE BEEN LEFT BEHIND!!!"
This continued for some minutes (which was like forever!) until a car drove was my mum and three or so of my sisters....they had just gone out to buy a few things.
I thought to myself..."of course! Just how stupid can you be,Chinekwu!!!...STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! Rapture..seriously??"
Did I laugh myself to tears!!!!