lol Hannah! I can just see you doing that now! all ''you darn annoyin' little rascals go find somewhere else to cause trouble and don't bother an old lady'' and you're in a housecoat and houseshoes nad bent over your walker!!!!!!! Then I'll come along, and be like ''ah what you complainin' about over there this time Hannah?" you'll be all "ah Sue just them men ole kids that have no respect'' and I'll be "yeah I hear ya, they were brought up with respect and morals and all, why back in our day, they'd get a good ole tan hinin' and they'd listen, wouldn't be none of this just runnin' around doing whatever they want''. Then comes along Abing, "'what'd ya say?" and Hannah will be all "huh" Abing says "I said what ya say" Hannah "eh speak up woman I can't hear you'' and I'm like ''for pete's sake Hannah she asked you what'd you say'' and Hannah says "WHAT" then Abing says "oh conflabit just forget it Sue I told her to get a hearing aid and she won't listen'' and so then Hannah says "I HEARD THAT, I TOLD YOU I DON'T NEED TO HEARING AID'' so I say ''well apperently you do, the whole neighborhood heard you, but you didn't hear yourself, or what Abing said''. Hehe. *giggles*