So what makes God allowing Satan to ruin people's lives better than him directly doing it? If anything isn't that worse? Kinda like the superhero that let the people trapped in the burning buildings die even though he was more than capable of saving them?
The first case is the case of unbelievers, people who hate God or don't know him. These people are subject to death every day of their lives. They have no protection against Satan, and as long as they are apart from God, they are subject to depression, sickness, and all sorts of evil, homosexuality and all of the things that corrupt them. And Satan makes it easy for them to sin and love it. That is the first case.
The second case is of believers. People who know God, and fear him. They are protected from Satan and such things as sickness and depression and all issues of life (though many of them perish for lack of knowledge). But then there is the special case where God allows these people to be subjected to Satan for their growing. It was the same way with Jesus. He was lead to the wilderness to be tempted of Satan. Also, Jesus Christ went through the greatest test of a Christian. For a short while the Lord God would turn his face away from his own Son. He would lend his son over to wicked men to be mocked and mistreated and striped of his flesh with hard tools. Nailed to a cross with nine inch nails in his wrists and feet, a crown of thorns on his head as a mockery. And this was done by his own people, people who said they knew God, but they killed his son. This is the end of a disciple of Jesus, death. But the hope is eternal life in Him.
Now, we are beginning to see a very clear case coming also. This is a third, but not last case. We see people who WERE believers who knew the truth but decided to play around and compromise. These people are also subject to Satan. These people make it difficult for the unbelievers to know the Truth. These people have an outward form of godliness, but they teach hellish lies. These are the people Satan promotes in the eyes of unbelievers, while the true believers are painted as the evil ones. They appear holy, but we can tell the difference. They are like the hypocrites of Jesus's day. And these are the very people who killed the prophets all the way up to Jesus, and who continue to kill the servants of the Lord today, and will until the great day.
I hope this made sense. May Jesus bless you.