Yes you were the lucky ones.
Life is way harder for us who came after. And yes we have to deal with all the fallout from your generations overconsumption in general. Being such a big cohort you always got the lions share of everything.
God may still have a purpose for you, the baby boomer generation now entering retirement. But its an awful lot of you for us to support and care for in twilight years. If youve made it thus far, consider yourself blessed. As the previous generation were wiped out with the war.
If shopping online is all you have to worry about then you have it way easy.
Life is way harder for us who came after. And yes we have to deal with all the fallout from your generations overconsumption in general. Being such a big cohort you always got the lions share of everything.
God may still have a purpose for you, the baby boomer generation now entering retirement. But its an awful lot of you for us to support and care for in twilight years. If youve made it thus far, consider yourself blessed. As the previous generation were wiped out with the war.
If shopping online is all you have to worry about then you have it way easy.
** I'm just watching a show of a girl who got pregnant at age 9, her Mum sent her off as her Mum was embarrassed in front of the community & she got raped at age 10, AND she was 7 months pregnant, THEN she was made to marry the rapist who was a Deacon who was 20 years old! (in the USA). And nobody reported any of this or rescued her. She thought it was all her fault.**
And saying that baby boomers are 'an awful lot of you for us to support and care for in your twilight years' is a truly terrible thing to say. My job is health care, but I call it PEOPLE CARE. I care for the homeless; the seriously mentally ill that nobody wants; the smelly, drunk people who get dropped off at Emergency, and the families take off and leave them cos they can't cope; the dementias who defeacate themselves; the dispossessed; the desperately poor; the desperately lonely people who come voluntarily into hospital at Xmas cos nobody wants them, or they have no family. You get the picture. Most of these people are old - they are worn down to the bone by a world that doesn't give a crap about them - they're old and considered useless. Our Western society & attitudes re old people, and about so-called standards of 'beauty' has alot to answer for.
It's a privilege to care for these poor people, and to nurse them before they die from horrid diseases sometimes like Alzheimers which they have gained through no fault of their own.
I have sat next to a dying man and held his hand till he passed away - he had nobody in this world who cared about him; I've cared for people just before they have died & comforted the grieving relatives. I cared for a foreign woman who was only about 37 I think - she was doing well, but when I went back to work on Monday, she had passed away. She left 2 kids - one was 12 I think, the other 9 or so. Not all of these people were old.
Should they be considered nuisances too?
You have said in previous posts that you have mental health issues, I believe. Should I label you as a 'such & such a generation' and see you as a burden? No - as a professional in mental health, I would always treat you with respect and courtesy - irregardless of your age.
I gather you are still young. I really, really hope that you think about what you have said and pray for forgiveness.
I've also run a Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Unit and believe me, no matter how many operations you have to look 'young', you WILL get old - you will still get health problems, you can have all the botox injections in the world, but your wrinkles WILL come back, your face and skin will sag, you may even get dementia.
I really hope you start to value life more as you age. It's not about looks anymore - all looks fade despite plastic surgery - trust me, I know.
Value the older generation because they can teach us alot - the problem is, we just don't LISTEN.
'Oh, the arrogance of youth!" I think Plato said that - and man; he wasn't wrong.
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