Starfieid, in response to your quote: "The serpent in the garden, Satan, was once a cherub and shone like copper......? I don't know. Tough question! hahaha"
Rev. 12:9, the serpent is Satan, who fell from the sky (Luke 10:18) as one of the angels, agreed on by 2Pt. 2:4. He was thus an angel, not a cherub. Cherubs do not lead angels (study Ezek. 1)
The key is to look the words up in Stongs concordance: Copper, from bronze, 5153 is nachosh, nun-chet- vav-shin. Serpent 5175, nachash, nun-chet-shin. In Hebrew, the vowels (vav) are optional, so they are the same word, near-homonymns.
The reason I brought it up was not only for a nice question, but to stress how much we miss reading English: Num. 21:9, Moses makes a serpent of brass, nachash of nachosh, and sins, because Num. 21:8 directs him to make a serpent - seraph (a different thing) and the serpent is later worshiped by the Israelites as an idol 2Ki. 18:4. In English we miss the whole story about Moses' sin.