Well I've been texting her and certain things she says, leads me to believe she still has feelings, like she called me dear one time, and one day she had a bad day at work so I said "Aw *hugs* " and she replied with"<3" and she smiles a lot while texting (shes not the kinda person to do that) I know she dates mostly jerks, and She told me while we were dating, that I was the best thing that has ever happened to her.
I think the reason we broke up was basically cause as we dated after a cpl months, sexual tension grew, we gave into temptation. People say sex doesn't change a relationship; thats the enemy at work! Because it most definitely does! I thank God that he has shown me his light, because I wouldn't have gone down the right path in life.
Anyways, yeah, I don't know...