I used to be terrified of driving near lakes or cliffs.
My father who was not well, used to threaten to drive off cliffs or into the lake when I was little, he would even drive right up to the edge, while I was screaming in terror in the back seat.
Thankfully my father left us , but he did leave a terrible phobia behind.
I wondered if I would ever get over it, anytime when in a car, if near a lake or clif I froze in terror, and often would shake for some time after.
Jesus had been bringing alot of healing in my life,and I had set this before Him, but seemed there was no progress.
I continued in faith to hope for the healing.
Then one day, while on a drive with my hubby, I realised we were on a cliff, and there was no fear, as I sat in our car, we continued our drive, as we drove near a lake, no fear!
My husband noticed that I did not have the white knuckle grip on the seat, or the white face.
I looked at him as he lookd at me, and I just smiled.
We both knew then that Jesus had brought healing to me for this.
All I can say is that Jesus will heal, sometimes maby not right away, but for the deep things, Jesus heals often over time, so that the healing is made perfect.
A very good healing of a 45 year terror!
Hugs and God bless