Well,because I believe it is a doctrine of demons that has infiltrated the church, that Christians can't be possessed. If they believe this lie, then they will not seek help in getting rid of their demon issue. This false doctrine only serves satan and hinders the church. It gives demons immunity to do as they please in a christian's life with no worries about ever being cast out.
I once helped a Christian brother out with a pornography issue. He said it was uncontrollable and was destroying his testimony. A demon entered into him in his teens, as he was raped/sodomized by his uncle. He became free of his addiction to porn and felt like he finally got his testimony back. Two weeks after, he sent me an email describing how thankful he was to be free and how it had changed him for the better. He was a part of a group of Christians who were also struggling with pornography. Six men and a woman, all of them Christians, one by one contacted me and all got free of their porn addiction, except one, by casting out the demons behind it, in Jesus name. This is just another clear example that proves demons do in fact possess Christians with a sin issue.
So in a nutshell, I think this false belief that Christians cant be possessed is doing great harm to the body of Christ.
I am very sorry your friend went through this. I have a similar testimony but I
chose alcohol to deal with it.
chose to use alcohol to cope with the rape/molesting I was not saved at the time. To be honest, I thought Jesus was a joke at that time.
Here is the problem with the scripture you quote.
According to this scripture. Your friend was immoral and chose to be raped and enjoyed it.
I know that is not the case.
1 Corinthians Chapter 5
Immoral Church Members
1 It is widely reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and the kind of sexual immorality that is not even tolerated among the Gentiles—a man is living with his father’s wife.
2 And you are inflated with pride, instead of filled with grief so that he who has committed this act might be removed from your congregation.
3 For though I am absent in body but present in spirit, I have already decided about the one who has done this thing as though I were present.
4 When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus with my spirit and with the power of our Lord Jesus,
5 turn that one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord.
6 Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast permeates the whole batch of dough?
7 •Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch. You are indeed unleavened, for Christ our •Passover has been sacrificed.
8 Therefore, let us observe the feast, not with old yeast or with the yeast of malice and evil but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
( I mean no disrespect to your friend. I am sorry he went through this)