Introvert doesn't mean "shy." It means we re-energize from solitude. (We're doing it now!) Extroverts re-energize from people. We're just not that.
(Also why you'll find many introverts online, but not many extroverts. We're not anti-social. We simply get no benefits from social situations, and it depletes us the longer we're in them, because we have to try so hard. The opposite is true for extroverts. They get depleted without others around, and they have to try to be alone.)
Yes, I would have to agree. I mean, sure, there are shy introverts out there, but "introvert" and "shy" are not interchangeable words.
I used to be shy and very awkward. Now I'm just awkward

I actually love talking. On and on and on. In different accents. About anything and nothing in particular. The catch is, it has to be with someone who I know isn't bothered by my rambling. Otherwise I just feel like I'm being a nuisance or like I'm full of nonsense.
Thus, I save most of my physical chatter for my closer friends, for when I want to talk to other, less diverse introverts, and for emergencies.
But of course, like you say, that doesn't keep me from making my presence known online.